Monday, December 16, 2013

During the last few weeks I made another seven planets...

Some New Planets Models

I spent one and half week to make some new planets for the game..

I am a Planets Makers....

Space Junk

Teammates said Space Junk, we need space junk....

Some unknown plastics and metals... >_<!!

Spaceship Concept Art

This week's task is doing some space ship design...

I know I'm lazy but finally, I finished it.

They are simple but I recognized it, they are not easy....

Sound Effects

I downloaded tons of sound effects from website, for using in the prototype. 

Planets Models

I start to build planet models....

It's always hard to start it...

I put the texture on the planet models , but when I tried to export it. The textures are broken..I did many times but, it

I find Mark and then ask the problems. Finally, we figure it out... Fix the problems...

New Task

We are going to create planets, So I found some awesome textures for the planets.

It is very hard to find textures, because some many textures are not allow people to use them for business, like publishing what we want to. 

On the NASA website I found a lot of pretty textures of planets, they are awesome.








And a lot more, I'm not going to show them all.

Pitching Day

After Pitching...

We got our new team members... Yay...

Our team grow big... 11 team members in our team

besides four old members, now we have

Alex (Artist)

Alan (Programmer)

Another David (Team Leader)

Cody(Art Leader)

Another Cody (Artist)



Then our Art team's task is finding some images, like these.  Giving programmers ideas to start their coding work.


I the first 10 minutes....Stand up meeting again.

We talked about what we do for the following days.

So I got my first task...

Me and David did some searches for programmers start their coding work. I drew some basic concept arts, including what we need in the future, the missile turrets, aliens, some skybox art works, etc.  

First day of class

The first day of Capstone class, we've been formed a small group with 4 people.
-and me(Artist). 

In the class we would have a 10 minute stand up meeting letting the class know each task that we did over the weekend or in-between tuesday and thursday.

Our game has pretty cool mechanics and features.
In Senior Capstone we have two teachers , Kessler and Roger, they are both really cool teachers and they always keep us updated on whats new and whats happening in our groups. They are both good to work with and talk to.

--Ryan Jiang