Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Last few weeks

Last few week... we had plan...

our game are released


WE went eating dinner together....

feels so awesome...

BTW before the dinner, we shoot trailers for the game...

and we had fun stayed together...


-Ryan Jiang  =_,="


This one took me forever...

ESPECIALLY, the Gear thing....


I heard from Brielle, we create our own game website.... Yo...

come, check this out

Another work???

Cody said, we almost there...


So... I got another work that no one took it...

I know I am the best....



New Model updated

Yo Yo, How was it.. How was it...

I felt so good about this...

Kira and other people said,  it's awesome....


YaY I made it ship model

after two weeks hard work


Here are some crop images from my ship model..

EMmmm... I think I gotta work more...

more details..... That what Cody C told me...

Ok ... I will do more and more


I gotta make a spaceship model for the game. I think it is the

 hardest work ever in this year...

I gotta pay attention more patience to hard surface model...

Alright, let's begin...

 Hmm... It seems to take time to do it....

Whoa, it seems like we still have tons of work to work on(NOTES FROM KIRA)

So as it turns out today, class was far more eventful than anticipated.  Two visitors played our game today and gave us some excellent, albeit disheartening, feedback. 

Here is what we gathered from watching them play today: 
  • Not enough context for the job. When starting the intro, you are told you are doing a job, but you don't know what that job is.  The German fellow playing said it was like we telling him this is an accelerator and this is a steering wheel and this is a clutch without telling him that he is going to be driving a car.  Hopefully adding the intro animation will fix this, but he has a point.  We need to make it very clear by the time you get to any game play. 
  • He also touched the X on the message dismiss, so we need to allow that.
  • The dropdown in the tutorial covers the scan report and makes the corner where they intersect very muddled.  Suggestions for this? We can either increase the opacity of the message box (either for that message or all messages) or change where the message box draws.  I'm not sure what our best option is here. 
  • Meteor in front of camera makes it hard/impossible to play. 
  • In the tutorial, there needs to be immediate success feedback.  He liked the idea of grumpy Churchill, but he wants some approval and encouragement (especially in the first 20 seconds).  Reward the player, give positive feedback for anything they do correctly.  (Maybe Churchill becomes less grumpy and more impressed?
  • Explain the energy level more
  • The radar being opaque, with the same focus as the HUD makes the world seem more like background, less like what they should be focusing on. 
  • They both skipped through the tutorial messages.  We should reorder the the tutorial to get them engaged sooner. 
Tasks for Tuesday:
I understand that there are things beyond this that we want to include, but to get it close enough to submit for approval so we can get more concrete feedback on this Android dilemma. 
  • When tractor beaming a meteor in, make the meteor stop some distance in front of the camera & hold it there. (Connor is going to take a stab at this)
  • Make sure that all the planets have their proper models, and make sure that all the planets are the smoothed planets. (Dave)
  • Lower the opacity of the radar (ring and blips, but not reticle) to put more focus on background.
  • Allow touch for the X button for message dismiss
  • Reorder the tutorial and alter text slightly to be less abrasive. 
  • Put in new Churchill picture for boss image (message dropdowns)
  • Need some formula for score (accounting for payout (ship health?) and time bonus)
  • Hard hat rating and drawing said rating at end of level
  • Remove Scanner sound (temporary, for consistency, until we have more sound)
  • Draw "Oh shit icons" in the HUD. 
  • Clear the bug list
Alan is going to assign these tasks on Hansoft, specifically.  I will ask him to send out an email once he is done, so you can check it.  Please pull from master first to make sure you have all the current bug fixes. 

Also, if you are assigned any modification to the HUD or other 2D elements, do not hard code any numbers. If they are testing this on Android devices, which come in all shapes and sizes, hard coded values (size or position) will cause major issues on devices of different size. 

Work hard, guys!



After stand up meeting, we briefly talking about where are we on

 the game process now.

Then these people are coming for our  game...

in the beginning, I was a little worry... Now, Whoa... lots of positive

feedbacks from people... but we can't loose... we still get some bugs...

another tractor beam

Alright ...

   here are some red beam images...

I heard  Brielle and Cody C they had hard time on their work... sounds like UI stuff

problem. Hopefully, they are doing well...

I wish I could get more work for them...

Tractor Beam

my job is adding particles on the tractor beam, them make them like a real moving beam.... Cody C said, they look great...  yay... worth it...

but I still need make the red ones...


Kira said everything is doing well.

We still need to work on the little stuff.

like adding details on the art work and their engineers' job is way hard then us.

this class, we know game play testing session is approaching.

our art team got tons of work...crazy...

I got a new task...


stand up meeting

Our team are working revising the level screen. Finally, we got some screen images...

the plants are pretty cool on the vita screen.

I'm still working on the planets... trying to make more...

our art team needs working harder, we can't leave behind of Engineers.

Some problems

Kira said... everything is good but code.

there are many errors occurred.

We did not do too much on our art side...

Programmers they are having hard time to deal with bugs

good luck with them...

two more planets

Here are two more planets that I made...

models are easy,,,, finding textures are hard...

it takes me forever to find food textures

new models for the planets

Brielle said we need more planets for the game.

Sun needs to be improve.

So I made it...

The first day of capstone II

The first day of capstone, we got new leaders...

like Kira, Brielle, Alan.... :)

then we had a stand up meeting and briefly talking about what we had.

then  we split up the tasks.

It feels awesome new day, new work..